DApp Developer Programs
What you need to learn to succeed in blockchain and decentralized applications.
Fundamentals For All
All our DApp developer training programs, irrespective of blockchains, begin with a 41-hour course, the Fundamentals of Blockchain. After completing the Fundamentals of Blockchain course, enrollees have the option to select their desired blockchain for more in-depth training.
Length Of Course
The maximum length of time to complete the program is six months. Based on experience and familiarity with blockchain and DApp development, each blockchain training program can be uniquely tailored to expedite the progress of each enrollee.
Decentralized Applications (DApp) Programs
The D360 training program offers developers options to train in decentralized application in various blockchain ecosystems. Currently, DApp360 training is available in four blockchain ecosystems – Cardano, Ethereum, Polkadot, and Solana.
Full Training Curriculum
Cardano Training Program
- Introduction to Blockchain As a Technology
- Cryptography and Consensus Algorithms In-Depth
- Design of Decentralized Applications (DApps), DAOs
- Security and Design Fundamentals
- Use Case Analysis of Cutting-Edge Blockchain Solutions
- Challenges in Blockchain, Future of Blockchain
- Analysis and Design of Decentralized Solutions
Cardano Overview:
- UTXO Concept
- Cardano Blockchain Layers (CSL and CL)
- Epochs and Slots
- 3 Cardano Pillars –Sustainability, Interoperability, Scalability
1.1 Introduction to Haskell (6 lectures)
- Overview of Haskell
- Datatypes and Functions
- Higher-Order Functions
- Parametric Polymorphism and Overloading
- IO and Explicit Effects Well-Typed
- Packaging and Using Libraries
- Applicative Functors and Monads
1.2 Testing (2-3 lectures)
- Unit Testing and Property-Based Testing
- Generating Suitable Test Data
- Measuring the Quality of Tests
- Testing Stateful Code
1.3 (Embedded) DSLs (1-2 lectures)
- Domain Modeling; Using Proper Datatypes
- Shallow vs. Deep embeddings
- Monadic DSLs
- Examples: HTML, SQL, JSON, Parsing
1.4 Concurrency (2-3 lectures)
- Concurrency Primitives
- (Asynchronous) Exceptions
- Concurrency Patterns
- Writing Network Services
1.5 Foundations (2-3 lectures)
- Lambda Calculus
- Hindley-Damas-Milner Type Inference
- Typed Lambda Calculi
- Encoding Datatypes Via Recursion Patterns
1.6 Advanced abstractions (2-3 lectures)
- Free Structures (Free Monads, Free Applicatives)
- Finally Tagless Encodings
- Monad Transformers
- Algebraic Effects
- Optics
1.7 Performance (2-3 lectures)
- Functional Data Structures
- Understanding Lazy Evaluation and Normal Forms
- Understanding In-Memory Representation of Haskell Data
- GHC Core Language
- Inlining and other Common Optimizations
- Debugging Space Leaks
- Strict Data, Lazy Functions
- Streaming and Compositional Folds
1.8 Type-Level Programming (2-3 lectures)
- Kinds and Promotion
- Existential Types
- Rank-n Polymorphism
- Type Families
- Datatype-Generic Programming
- Case study: Servant
1.9 Staging and Metaprogramming (1-2 lectures)
- Template Haskell
- Quasiquoting
- Typed Template Haskell
- Using Staging for Performance and DSLs
1.10 Security (1-2 lectures)
- Adopting a “Hacker Mindset”
- Threat Models
- Injection Attacks
- Other and Potentially Exotic Forms of Attacks
1.11 Cryptocurrency Basics (1-? lectures)
- Distributed Algorithms
- Consensus
- Proof of Stake, Ouroboros
- (Extended) UTxO
- Nodes, Wallets
- Smart Contracts
- Marlowe
- Plutus
- Cryptographic Fundamentals
- Overview of Cryptocurrencies and Wallets
- Consensus Algorithms – Classical and Modern
- Limitations of Basic Blockchains
- Smart Contracts and Their Significance
- Oracles – Advantages and Caveats
- DApps and DAOs
- Various Types of Blockchain
- Synergy With Other Disruptive Technologies
- DApp Use Case Analysis and Design
- Introduction to Cardano
- Importance of Cardano
- Introduction to Consensus Protocol – Ouroboros
- Deep Dive Into Cardano Concepts
- Haskell Overview With Hands-On
- Marlowe Concepts and Handson
- Mini-Project in Marlowe/Haskell
- Cardano Concepts Review
- Plutus Programming Concepts With Hands-On
- KEVM/Solidity Overview With Hands-On
- UI Integration
- Sample Project Walkthrough
- Full Project in Plutus With Mentoring
Ethereum Training Program
- Introduction to Blockchain As a Technology
- Cryptography and Consensus Algorithms In-Depth
- Design of Decentralized Applications (DApps), DAOs
- Security and Design Fundamentals
- Use-Case Analysis of Cutting-Edge Blockchain Solutions
- Challenges in Blockchain, Future of Blockchain
- Analysis and Design of Decentralized Solutions
- Cardano Overview:
- UTXO Concept
- Cardano Blockchain Layers (CSL and CL)
- Epochs and Slots
- 3 Cardano pillars – Sustainability, Interoperability, Scalability
- Intro to Ethereum, Ethereum Network Addresses
- Keys Accounts, Wallets, Toolchain Installation, Review Session
- Solidity, Solidity Hands-On Lab
- First Look at Smart Contracts, Popular Token Standards
- Mini Project Walkthrough – Project Allocation, Project Mentoring
- 1 CXO Session, Project Presentation
- Close Look at Truffle/Web3JS
- Setting Up Private Node, Understanding Geth Better
- Review Session, OpenZeppelin/ZeppelinOS Hands-On Lab
- Design Patterns, Security Considerations
- Unit Testing, Unit Testing hands-On Lab
- Security Analysis Using Static Analyzers – Session 1 SmartCheck Security
- Security Analysis Using Static analyzers – Session 2 MythX
- MythX Hands-On Lab, IPFS
- Limitations of Current Ethereum Release, Future of Ethereum
- Full Project Walkthrough (MythX, IPFS Integration, Unit Testing (JS+SC), OpenZeppelin
- Project Allocation, Project Mentoring, Project Presentation, CXO Session
Polkadot Training Program
- Introduction to Blockchain As a Technology
- Cryptography and Consensus Algorithms In-Depth
- Design of Decentralized Applications (DApps), DAOs
- Security and Design Fundamentals
- Use-Case Analysis of Cutting-Edge Blockchain Solutions
- Challenges in Blockchain, Future of Blockchain
- Analysis and Design of Decentralized Solutions
- Cardano Overview:
- UTXO Concept
- Cardano Blockchain Layers (CSL and CL)
- Epochs and Slots
- 3 Cardano Pillars – Sustainability, Interoperability, Scalability
- Various Components of Fabric and HLF Architecture
- Golang Programming
- Docker Overview
- Setup of the HLF Protocol and Framework, Blockchain Explorer
- Chain Code
- Contract-APIs
- Supply Chain Use Case Requirements and Chaincode Development
- Chaincode Concepts Such As: Rich Queries, Private Data Collections, History of an Asset
- Unit Testing
- Project
- Configuration of Services Using YAML
- Customizing the Network for a Supply Chain Use Case
- Configuration of Membership Services and Identity Management
- Creation of Fabric Certificate Authorities and Issuing Certificates
- Ledger, Chaincode Queries
- Using the NodeSDK for Identity Issuance, Chain Code and Ledger Queries
- Upgrading the Network, Adding Peers to an Existing Organization
- Adding Organizations to Existing Networks
- Creation of REST APIs, Integration With Front-End
- Project
Solana Training Program
Coming Soon!